Refund policy
We hope that you’re happy with your order but if for any reason you are not, you may return it any time up to and including 30 days from the date of delivery, provided the goods remain unopened and in their original packaging. You are required to arrange and pay for postage of any returned goods.
To arrange a return please contact once we receive your returned goods we’ll issue a refund, if appropriate, for the full value of your purchases. This will be debited back as a credit to the card used for the original purchase.
You will be responsible for the item or items until they reach us. For your own protection, we suggest you use a secure delivery method that requires a signature. Please ensure returned goods are stored safely as we will not be responsible for goods that are damaged whilst in your care.
Defects, incomplete orders, or incorrect delivery
If you’re returning goods due to defects, an incomplete order or incorrect delivery, we will refund you the price you paid for the goods (inclusive of the initial delivery charge) or send you a replacement with free delivery. Email WooWoo customer services on