Ways to Boost Your Confidence This Summer

Hey, we get it… there can be a lot of pressure on appearance when summer arrives. But, we’re all about making this season the #SummerOfLoveYourself. You deserve to feel confident in your own skin, and we want to help get you there 💋. So, check out these tips on how to get you feeling like your best self this summer…

Hype yourself up 💃

We don’t welcome negative self-talk here. Leave that at the door! You’re worthy of feeling confident and beautiful, so let us introduce you to mirror affirmations.

Practising mirror affirmations is great for when you’re experiencing low self-esteem or self-doubt. All you need to do is grab a mirror (the bigger the better 😏),  look into your eyes, and verbalise what you love about yourself and what you know you’re worthy of. For example, if you’re feeling self-conscious, you can tell yourself how much you love your body, your curves, your hip-dips - whatever is making you feel lesser than your best self.

We know you’re gorgeous! But we understand that it can be hard to conquer your own mind when it’s telling you otherwise. Be consistent with daily mirror affirmations and you’ll be strutting your stuff in a saucy summer ‘fit with all the confidence in the world. You’ve got this, girl! 👏

Nourish your mind 💆

Breathing exercises and meditation can do wonders for your mindset. Feeling panicked? Stressed? Just not yourself? Take 5 minutes to breathe deeply and let your mind connect with your body. Headspace has a meditation specifically for promoting self-love and we would highly recommend it if you’re wanting to cover up - it’s too damn hot to be suffering in this heat! Go on… give it a try. We hope it brings you some peace of mind 💜.

Leave the comparisons behind 👋

Another tip for promoting body confidence is to have a social media clear out. The hotter months can be daunting for some, with self-esteem issues catching like wildfire. A lot of the content you see on social media can be heavily edited, so we really recommend going through who you follow and removing anyone that you compare yourself to. There are a tonne of accounts we LOVE that scream body positivity. Here are a few of our faves that help us learn to love our stretch marks, cellulite and wobbly bits:

Give crash diets the middle finger 🙅

No matter your body type, eating nutrient rich foods and keeping hydrated will make you glow from the inside out. Veggies and leafy greens have a huge range of benefits that can make you feel better from within. However, this doesn’t mean you can’t indulge! If you fancy pizza, have pizza. Do whatever makes you feel good!

Crash diets are NOT effective in the long run. Research suggests that rapid weight loss can actually slow your metabolism which can lead to future weight gain, weaken your immune system and put pressure on your heart… It’s just not worth it! We think you’re perfect as you are, but if you do want to lose, or gain weight, please make sure you do it in a healthy way, and make sure to contact your GP or a nutritionist for advice if needed.

Don’t sweat it 💦

We’ve all faced the embarrassment of sweat patches at least once, but we’re here to remind you that sweating is SO NORMAL! Literally everyone sweats, and you should not be ashamed of a natural bodily function. But, if you are out and about and feel a little stickier than you’d like, we recommend using our wipes to refresh. They’re also pH balanced, so you can use them to freshen up your woo if you need.

Sweating and chafing go hand-in-hand. You may have noticed that when you sweat, the chafing may get worse as there is more friction. The majority of people chafe, and if you’re one of those people you’ll know that it can end up being a bit sore if not dealt with. Our Saddle Sore Soothing Balm is perfect for preventing and alleviating chafing, so you can enjoy your summer without having to do that awkward post-chafe waddle 😥 (IYKYK).

Feel yo’self 💅 (literally)

Masturbating is a great way to get to know your body and love the skin you’re in. Let your hands roam and find where you like to be touched. Add a bit of extra arousal with our Hemp Bliss Oil to help you find what makes you feel good, and take it from there. Be prepared for your self-esteem to soar sky high as you notice the beauty of your body. You are so worthy of pleasure and feeling comfortable within yourself!

We hope these tips will help you feel your best self this summer. Remember that you are incredible, and we are so proud of you for stepping out of your comfort zone! Our products are made for women, by women. So, when you need a helping hand with care down-there, we’ve got you covered 💜.


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