We change all the time, which means you can never finish connecting with someone - great news! Make time to talk, time to date, and time to connect physically. It's so easy to slip into the relationship state of forgetting to make time for each other. Our individual lives are busy, and sometimes you get home from work and just want to put your comfy clothes on and chill (totally normal, and also a valid date night - who doesn't love Netflix and chill)?! But you and your partner both deserve to feel that spark light up - you can keep the flame burning...
Keep reading to find out how to continuously intensify your connections, and keep the passion alive, baby.
Time to talk doesn't just mean about work, or your day to day life, or the kids or what you had for dinner. Even though these topics are important to talk about, 'talking' also means taking the time and patience with one another to discuss your relationship; the challenges, what works well and what doesn’t, how you have grown together - recognising every part of it, positive and negative, and why it is so special to you both. Talking about your plans, your passions, your next date night, your fears and your hopes.
Making time to communicate like this can result in less conflict, confirming and reassuring each other you are a team, not just a partnership. working against the world together, instead of at each other.
Date night 101
A lot of our life is working, so taking time out for enjoyment together and apart from can strengthen a relationship. Remembering what life is really about, together.
Date night ideas:
Cooking your favourite dish together
Cinema date - who doesn't love a back seat smooch?!
Dinner and cocktails at a local spot
Mini Golf
Taking a bath together with prosecco and strawberries
Spa day/massage
Gymming together - get hot 'n' sweaty!
A picnic at the beach
A sunset beach stroll
Sunrise cold dip (exhilarating)!
Last but not least, is making time for the sexual part of your relationship, for you and your partner to discover or re-discover your erotic selves. There can be times when either partners libido takes a dip - it's important to take this into consideration and chat about it if it happens. It's totally NORMAL.
Many couples find this the part of the relationship that can take its toll when life is exhausting, especially if you have a family and other responsibilities. Making time for your partner physically is just as important as all the other aspects of a relationship, now, we aren’t saying you have to organise this and say you and your partner *have* to get down to it on Tuesday evening at 9 pm (unless that's your style of course). But, making time to be intimate and do what feels right for you both at that moment, whether that be cooking together and having a dance, having a shower together to wind down... whatever works for you and whatever the evening develops into will be right for you as a couple.
Experimenting can enhance intimacy. If it's something neither of the parties has tried before, the new experience itself is bound to be an exciting experience, something you can try and if all else fails, laugh about it later! Sex isn't like it is in the movies (or porn) and things can go wrong... in the funniest of ways. Sex isn't supposed to be perfect. The possibilities are endless! Be open with each other, respect each other, and most importantly, have fun.
You could experiment with new toys, lubes, oils (our new Hemp Bliss Massage Oil does not disappoint), even things like temperature play and role play are a simple way to spice up your sex life! Discuss what you'd like to like to do with each other (or even to each other) and it's bound to get hot.