WooWoo’s Global Amabassador GeorgiaxWooWoo


We're SO EXCITED to welcome the fabulous Georgia Harrison as our new Global Ambassador (eeeeek).✨✨✨✨ 

We knew that Georgia was the gal to help us spread the word about the importance of sexual health, self-care, and to break down some unfortunate taboos that are still around in 2021! Georgia already speaks on her platforms about these topics, she's brave, bold and relatable. We'll be leading discussions about everything Pleasure, Pamper, and Protection as well as all things women's health - from sexual wellness to periods and intimate care. Everything that we hope to help you feel #unashamed about.

Why have you decided to take on the role of Global Ambassador for WooWoo?

I’ve always been someone who finds it easy to discuss subjects that perhaps others might find embarrassing or hard to talk about. We currently live in a generation where the way we socialize has completely changed. Night’s out and sleepovers with your besties are banned so the usual moments where we would have those more intimate chats with our mates just aren’t happening right now.  Zoom and FaceTime just doesn’t cut it.
I think it’s so important that women of all ages, but especially young adults have a role model willing to discuss taboo things like condoms and feminine hygiene, because without normal human interaction around these topics how on earth are they supposed to find out? This is what originally made me interested in becoming WooWoo’s ambassador, but when I got to virtually meet the team, I knew this was the one for me. An inspiring group of women who believe in supporting, encouraging and educating other girls across the globe. I’ve always wanted to be in a position where I can help other women, and this is the perfect excuse to dive in.  

What will the role entail?

I’ll be working with the brand to help promote their range of vegan, environmentally-friendly intimate care products, leading more frank and honest conversations that tackle old fashioned taboos, and raising better awareness around the importance of self-care.

Why do you personally think it’s important that we make it possible for more people to talk more openly about intimate self care, health and pleasure?

It’s so important we enable women to be more open about their intimate care and taking care of themselves.  In this day and age there shouldn’t be any shame in talking about everything from periods, to sex to smear tests, but sadly there still is.  By having more open conversations, we’re hopefully going to normalise it and make it okay for more people to talk about these things rather than suffering silently in embarrassment.

What do you hope to achieve by taking on the role?

I’m lucky to have a great and engaged community of female followers.  I hope to use this platform to help educate and inspire people to feel unashamed about putting themselves and their health and pleasure first.  
By giving women better knowledge and ideas on how to pamper, pleasure and protect themselves, I hope we can help encourage more self-love, boost self-confidence, and help people build positive relationships with themselves and others.  

Q Why is self-love more important than ever before?

2020 has seen our mental and physical health take a battering.  Showing yourself some self-love both physically and mentally is so important right now.  Whether that’s practising mindfulness, enjoying a little bit of pamper time, finding time to exercise, or doing more of the things you love (both in and outside the bedroom), we all need to take time out to do the little things that make us feel good right now. 

What are your favourite WooWoo products and why?

I think my absolute top product is the Cranberry Cleanse wash. I’m quite sensitive down below as are many women, so it’s important I have a wash that will not throw off my pH balance down there.  Normal shower gels can result in uncomfortable side effects such as BV (Bacterial Vaginosis) or thrush so this gentle cleanser created especially for intimate use is perfect.  It smells so good I use it all over as a shower gel.
I also LOVE the Tame it! Hair Removal Cream. I get really bad shaving rash if I shave constantly and waxing is just the most stressful experience ever! Having to lay with your legs in the air whilst some random woman rips your pubes out? Not my idea of a relaxing Sunday. WooWoo’s hair removal cream has been a saving grace for me. No shaving rash, no pain and all done in the privacy of my own home!

What are your top 5 top tips for staying happy & healthy (mind & body) in 2021

 Meditation – It has been proven to be so good for your mental health and it really does keep me grounded and on track. It’s also a great way to calm your emotions when you are feeling over whelmed.

 Journaling – I love keeping a journal and every day just writing down a few positive things. Either things that I am grateful for, or positive goals I want to achieve in the future. 

 Exercise – It’s so simple but just 20 minutes a day will have profound effects on your mind, body and soul. I know most of us don’t have access to gym equipment at the moment, but you can bang on a cheeky Joe Wicks anywhere you are in the world and just smash it out. You’ll never regret a workout once it’s done, so just do it.

 Be honest – Make sure to stay honest to yourself and check in on how you are feeling. Bottling up your emotions can lead to bad mental health and stress which can even lead to physical illness. If you are not feeling okay reach out to a professional or family member and get it off your chest. It’s okay to not be okay.

5. Get a sexy plant – I love a plant I do! If you want some more life and zen in your home, order yourself a plant and name it. Plants are alive remember! They will bring more oxygen and life to your environment and you can order them online. I have a little bonsai called Betty the bonsai and a cactus called cactus Connor!


Stay tuned for more from Georgia on our socials - there's lots to come! 

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