Treatments Are So Effective That You Don't Need To Worry About STIs

Only People With A Lot Of Sexual Partners Get STIs

I Can't Get Infected If He Pulls Out Before He Comes
Unfortunately you can. Pre-cum – small drops of fluid that the penis discharges when aroused - can contain HIV, other STIs or even sperm (so you can get pregnant too). The answer is simple: always use a condom as soon as his penis is erect.

I'm Not At Risk Because Oral Sex Is As Far As We Go
Not having anal or vaginal sex does reduce the risk of getting an STI, but here’s the kicker - infections can be spread by oral sex and by skin-on-skin contact. You can contract HPV, for example, if your partner is infected and you rub your genitals together. Herpes is transmitted by genital or oral contact with an existing sore or one that only just developing (and by “developing” we mean that you might not even be able to see it) and even worse, the virus can be spread without either of you showing any symptoms.
Any foreign object – fingers, sex toys, fruit or anything else that you choose to insert into your body can carry unwanted bacteria. Cleanliness is just good manners – wash your hands, your sex toys and your fruit first!
The Birth Control Pill I Use Will Protect Me From STIs
Wrong again. Condoms are the only birth control method that offers dual protection against pregnancy and STIs. The pill, hormonal injections and implants, diaphragms, and the IUD do not protect against STIs.
Only Gay Men And Drug Users Get HIV
It’s true that gay men are disproportionately affected by HIV but it is estimated that of the 100,000 or so people living with HIV in the UK, around one-third are women and about half of these cases were transmitted through heterosexual sex. Not only that but a recent survey has revealed that more than 18,000 people in the UK have HIV but don't know they have it.

Lesbians Don't Get STIs
It’s true that the risk of getting an STI is lower for women who only have sex with other women. However some STIs can be transmitted between women by genital-to-genital or oral-to-genital contact. Basically anything that involves the exchange of vaginal fluids or the sharing of sex toys can give you an STI.

Showering Before, After And Even Whilst Having Sex Prevents The Spread Of Infections
Cleanliness is next to Godliness but it won’t stop a sexually transmitted infection (STI). Washing your bits, bum and everything in between before and after sex is good hygiene and will almost certainly make you feel more body confident but you can’t wash away an STI. Washing your vagina can help reduce urinary tract infections but be sure to use one that helps rebalance your body’s natural PH and isn’t too highly fragranced. Some regular shower gels or soaps can irritate or dry out delicate skin, particularly if you’ve just shaved or if you’re aroused. Our WooWoo Micellar Intimate Wash has been formulated with your vagina in mind. Well, not just yours – every vagina. It’s made from naturally sourced ingredients, including soothing aloe vera and is pH-balanced too. Read more about this product here.
If You Or Your Partner Have An STI, You'll See It
Unfortunately even doctors can't always tell by the naked eye, if you have an STI. Sometimes you’ll need a blood test to find out. STIs don’t always result in obvious symptoms – it’s possible to have one and spread it, even if you feel completely healthy. Not only that but untreated STIs can lead to more serious health problems, like infertility or pelvic inflammatory disease (PID). If you are in any doubt ask your GP or sexual health clinic for advice on testing for STIs, always use a condom and also talk openly and honestly with your sexual partner about your sexual history – if you’ve had an STI in the past, tell them. It’s quite common to have had an STI, mostly because it’s still too uncommon for people to talk openly about them or to get tested regularly.