How Hormones Can Impact Your Health

In a nutshell, hormones are chemicals that control our body’s development. They affect every aspect of our health from our sex drive to sleep, and are so influential that they can affect our bodies day-to-day. Here’s some info that’ll help you tackle the repercussions when your hormones just aren’t playing ball. 

The wrath of Mother Nature 👹

Ovaries produce estrogen and progesterone which aid in regulating and developing the function of the uterus. During your period, these hormone levels change causing the lining of your uterus to thicken and an egg to release. The uterus lining will eventually shed with the egg as what we know as period blood.

Throughout your cycle, you may experience some PMS symptoms which are closely linked to your hormones changing. Estrogen rises during the first half of your cycle and falls during the second half. As your estrogen drops, you may find yourself feeling low in mood. This is due to your serotonin (a mood stabiliser) dropping alongside it. As well as this, your progesterone levels may drop, which can cause more intense feelings of discomfort (i.e. period cramps).

Some people may choose birth control as a way of aiding PMS, however there are many things you can do to alleviate symptoms such as keeping a healthy diet and exercising regularly. Realistically, most of us can’t be bothered with that, and that’s okay! Everyone experiences their period differently, so do what works for you. You may find sitting with a hot water bottle on your aches will help you get on with your day.

When periods are getting you down, why not give yourself a little TLC? If you’re on the hunt for a gift for yourself, our Period Bundle is the perfect solution to pamper yourself. Our Cranberry Cleanse and Wipes are pH balanced and will keep your bits feeling fresh throughout your cycle, and our Hemp Bliss Oil is perfect for pain-relieving massages and making some time for YOU (did you know that orgasms can help ease cramps?!).

Did you know that…

…hormones can have an impact on your skin your entire life?

Throughout your period, your skin can change depending on what part of your cycle you’re in. At the beginning of your cycle, you may notice your skin looks dry and dull, whereas towards the end of your cycle is when acne and excess oil production may appear due to estrogen levels dropping and progesterone increasing.

Over the course of your cycle make sure to use the right products for each skin issue. When your skin is feeling drier, reach for a rich moisturiser to hydrate your skin, and when breakouts start to form, opt for a product containing salicylic acid to cleanse your pores and minimise spots.

During menopause, your estrogen levels decrease which causes skin to lose elasticity. Products containing retinol can help reduce the appearance of fine lines and help to stimulate collagen which can create a more youthful appearance (we’d all love to look 20 something forever 😆).

Feeling moody? 😅

No matter if you’re experiencing your period or menopause, it is likely you’ll have those days where you’re going from being happy as Larry to crying at a Dogs Trust advert. But why is this? Well, estrogen plays a role in our brain as well as our reproductive system. It can affect our levels of serotonin and endorphins which make us feel good. In theory, the higher the estrogen level, the happier you’ll feel.

During perimenopause (the period of time before menopause hits), estrogen levels are unpredictable. Yet during menopause, it is likely to fall which can cause a low mood, anger and irritability. There are treatment options that can relieve some of the psychological impacts of menopause, which can be found here. Please consult your GP if you are struggling with symptoms caused by hormones.

Hormones vs your woo 💦

When we’re younger, our hormones are relatively stable which means you’re able to produce more lubrication thanks to thriving female sex hormones. However, as you age you may find that your vagina is feeling a little on the dry side. This is due to perimenopause and menopause causing a fluctuation in hormones which can lead to vaginal atrophy.

Vaginal atrophy is where the tissue in your vagina becomes dry and thin as less collagen is being produced. Common symptoms include:

  • A decrease in lubrication
  • Frequent UTI’s
  • Pain or discomfort during sex
  • Vaginal dryness

Hormone replacement therapy is an option that can relieve vaginal atrophy symptoms, as well as other common occurences that come with menopause (i.e. hot flashes, reduced libido etc), which can be discussed with your GP.

It is important to remember that your sex life doesn’t have to die as you age and experience menopause! If you do wish to get jiggy with it, make sure to use a lubricant to keep things sliding as normal. Our Slide It! Lube is formulated with your woo in mind and is a great option when alleviating dryness. This can also be paired with our Hemp Bliss Oil which is ideal for increasing clitoral sensation.



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