Why We Love "Feminists Don't Wear Pink And Other Lies"

Calling all bookworms. If you haven’t read a book for a while and you’re looking for something to get stuck into this weekend you’re in luck. We recommend heading straight to your nearest bookstore to purchase this truly inspiring book: Feminists don’t wear pink and other lies – curated by journalist and activist Scarlett Curtis.
Whether you consider yourself a feminist or not, this book will enthral you with its beautifully put-together words from women whose stories are celebrated regardless of age, race, sexual orientation or ethnicity. The book is split into sections (epiphany, anger, joy, action, and education) and covers a huge range of topics such as gender equality, sexual abuse and harassment, ‘slut’ shaming, the pay gap, prostitution, disability, ‘likeability’… the list goes on. Don’t let this scare you though, it’s super easy to dip in and out of and written in a really welcoming way to give you a friendly but broad overview on feminism.
The book really outlines how everyone’s version of feminism is different and personal, albeit equally important. It makes a poignant stance, that everybody’s story is powerful, and nobody’s is right or wrong! Put marvellously, “This book is a book of feelings that are transforming into thoughts that are transforming into action. Most of the amazing women who have contributed to this book probably don’t know much more about feminism than you do” . The beauty of this book lies in people sharing their opinions without judgement (something that’s very important to us at WooWoo).
It’s relatable and eye-opening, filled with humour and stories that can make you laugh or cry. Here are some of our favourite snippets from the book:

Cat Women By Evanna Lynch

I am confused by feminism, needless to say. It’s been a generally confusing time for me, seeing many women I admire speak up about their experiences of oppression at the hands of men, and feeling like an alien who dropped in from a much nicer planet.
‘Am I a feminist?’ I wonder, for perhaps the first time in my twenty-sex-plus years as a woman, because I’ve never entertained the thought that I’m not. Obviously! my mind counters quickly, but there is an annoying, niggling thought that I need to be doing more to show it.
So I take it up with the woman who knows me best, but who I can’t recall ever instilled in me the importance of asserting feminist values, other than facilitating myself and my sisters to be whatever kind of women we’d like to be.
‘Am I a feminist, Mum?’ I ask her bluntly. She’s as thrown by the question as I was, wondering aloud why ever would you not be.
Do you believe in equal rights for men and women?
Do you believe women should work?
Do you believe men and women are of equal intellectual capability?
Yes! Yes, I tell her, and well actually I would wager on average women surpass men in intelligence, but that is a mere opinion.
This story probably sounds a little familiar? You’ve witnessed people around you speaking about their experiences, but you’ve felt confused as to whether you are a feminist, so you’ve just kept quiet. Because without realising it, you were one.
As with the three points included above, feminism isn’t a radical belief. It is based on points you may not even have considered to be a feminist view such as the right to work.

Call Me A Feminist By Chimwemwe Chiweza

I believe in women’s empowerment. Not because I hate men and want to eradicate them from the face of the earth, but because I believe in the ability to achieve great things that resides deep in the hearts of women. I believe in the great change that a girl with a big dream can bring to this world. I believe in giving girls a chance to activate their potential without fear. So if that’s what a feminist is, then, yes, call me a feminist.

Imposter Syndrome By Alaa Murabit

I will always be the little girl who grew up believing she could make it to the moon, in a world that still debates whether girls should have an education and whether women should have reproductive rights. A world where little girls believe, from a young age, that boys are naturally more intelligent and capable.
These short snippets highlight the key fact that to be a feminist does not mean to be anti-men, anti-body hair and angry as media stereotypes would lead you to believe. It means that you believe in women’s rights, that are unfortunately still at question.
We absolutely loved reading this book. Each story is so different, but equally as touching. The short stories give an emotional insight into many women’s lives – their experiences of the treatment on women in many countries around the world. On top of this the royalties of this book go to Girl Up, a global movement of empowered young women leaders who strive to defend gender equality… as if you needed another reason to buy this!

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